The world’s only accessible neuromorphic quantum computing cloud for solving real-world problems, at scale.

The world’s only accessible neuromorphic quantum computing cloud for solving real-world problems, at scale.

Taking advantage of a biological approach, neuromorphic quantum computing emulates the parallel processing capabilities of the human brain.

Neuromorphic quantum computing is a special type of computing that combines ideas from brain-like computing with quantum technology to solve problems. It works differently from regular quantum computing by using a network of connected components that can quickly react to changes, helping the system to swiftly find the best solutions.

Dynex is applying a digital twin of a physical neuromorphic quantum computing machine, which is operated on hundreds of thousands of GPUs in parallel, delivering unparalleled quantum computing performance at scale for real-world applications.

This technology is exciting because it leads to computer systems that are faster and capable of handling complex tasks more efficiently than traditional computers.

Industries & use cases

Dynex technology offers versatile applications across a wide range of industries, enhancing capabilities in sectors such as Artificial Intelligence, Pharmaceuticals, Automotive & Aerospace, Financial Services, Telecommunications, and Research.

This technology can streamline complex calculations, simulate intricate processes, and enhance data security, providing substantial improvements in efficiency and performance.

Whether it's speeding up drug discovery, improving vehicle and aircraft design, managing financial risks, enhancing network efficiency, or advancing scientific research, Dynex provides powerful tools that can drive innovation and solve industry-specific challenges effectively.

Dynex 5.POint Advantage Model

Dynex offers a highly efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional supercomputers and quantum computers, with costs up to 90% lower and no initial setup required. It addresses the common limitations of traditional quantum computing such as capacity, error-correction, temperature management, and processing speeds, providing a more robust solution.

01 cost efficiency

With costs up to 90% lower than conventional supercomputers and current quantum computers, Dynex requires no initial setup costs, making it immediately ready for use.

01 cost efficiency

With costs up to 90% lower than conventional supercomputers and current quantum computers, Dynex requires no initial setup costs, making it immediately ready for use.

02 Dynex Performance

Dynex overcomes the limitations in capacity, error-correction, temperature management and processing speeds of traditional quantum computing

02 Dynex Performance

Dynex overcomes the limitations in capacity, error-correction, temperature management and processing speeds of traditional quantum computing

03 Energy Efficiency

Dynex n.quantum computing precisely matches energy consumption to the number of GPUs required for a task, ensuring there is no superfluous energy use, regardless of the size of the computational problem.

03 Energy Efficiency

Dynex n.quantum computing precisely matches energy consumption to the number of GPUs required for a task, ensuring there is no superfluous energy use, regardless of the size of the computational problem.

04 high grade security

Advanced encryption protocols and rigorous security audits to safeguard data while providing computational power.

04 high grade security

Advanced encryption protocols and rigorous security audits to safeguard data while providing computational power.

05 Seamless Integration

Easy to use and access through seamless integration with the Python development environment, and support for a large number of commonly used libraries.

05 Seamless Integration

Easy to use and access through seamless integration with the Python development environment, and support for a large number of commonly used libraries.

Dynex SDK

The Dynex SDK is a collection of open-source Python tools designed to tackle difficult problems using n.quantum computing. It helps adapt your application's challenges for resolution on the Dynex platform and manages the communication between your application code and the n.quantum system seamlessly.

Easy to use and access through seamless integration with the Python development environment, and support for a large number of commonly used libraries.

Programmers already using tools like the Dimod framework, PyQUBO, or any other Qubo framework, will find it straightforward to run computations on the Dynex neuromorphic computing platform: Simply using the Dynex Sampler object in place of the usual sampler object typically used with systems like D-Wave, but without the typical constraints of regular quantum machines.

Dynex SDK (Python)

Quantum Algorithm Development



IBM Qiskit






Machine Learning






Special Purpose Compute






“At Vee Technologies, we are consistently pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence. By leveraging Dynex's cutting-edge n.quantum computing capabilities, we can enhance our ability to deliver cost-effective, time-saving, and efficiency-boosting solutions. Our clients, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to mid-size innovators, will benefit immensely as we accelerate every aspect of their operations.”

Chocko Valliappa

Founder & CEO, Vee Technologies

Dynex Subscription Plans

Dynex' subscription model is designed to provide users with continuous access to its advanced neuromorphic computing platform. This model allows businesses and researchers to leverage Dynex’s powerful computing capabilities through a recurring payment structure, offering a scalable and cost-effective solution for complex computational needs.

This subscription model not only simplifies budgeting and planning but also ensures that users can consistently rely on Dynex for high-performance computing resources without the need for large upfront investments.

Customers can also experience the power of Dynex n.quantum computing with just one click by trying out a variety of examples for free. Simply register an account to access these advanced computational capabilities.

The user-friendly platform makes it easy to get started, allowing exploration of the potential of neuromorphic quantum computing through practical, real-world examples.

Quantum Leap
Quantum Leap
Quantum Leap




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Rent 1000 n.quantum gates for computing your quantum algorithms


Frontier Navigator
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dynex n.quantum gates
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Rent 10.000 n.quantum gates for computing your quantum algorithms


Visionary Architect
Visionary Architect
Visionary Architect




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Rent 100.000 n.quantum gates for computing your quantum algorithms


Infinity pioneer
Infinity pioneer
Infinity pioneer




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dynex n.quantum gates

Rent 1,000,000 n.quantum gates for computing your quantum algorithms


Custom Subscription
Custom Subscription
Custom Subscription




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dynex n.quantum gates
dynex n.quantum gates

Rent 1M+ n.quantum gates for computing your quantum algorithms

Ready for your n.quantum experience?
Ready for your n.quantum experience?
Ready for your n.quantum experience?

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